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native American walking stick Native American, Bald Eagle.
Tall straight style.

Really getting into this carving hobby now. I wanted to try my hand at carving feathers. Naturally the feathers need to hang from something, and the beaded band fit. (And boy, carving individual seed beeds into wood. What WAS I thinking?)
There are two feathers that seem to hang from leather straps attached to a beaded band. Hard to see all around with these photos but from any angle this one looks great!

Finally, what to do with the top? Well, how do you like my solution?
I really like this one. But then I like them all after I finish.

Note, this stick has some odd curves to it. Not as straight as I'd like. However, I have used it and it is comfortable to hike with.

Native American walking stick Native American walking stick
Native American walking stick Native American walking stick

Jenny Mehlenbeck is the creator and owner of Artmakers Worlds ©1999 - now.